“e-tuğra” Qualified Electronic Certificate Policy
In accordance with relevant regulations and communiqués by the Law No. 5070,
equivalent to a handwritten signature secure individuals.
electronic signature, which allows the use of qualified electronic certificate covers.
Object Identifier: 2.16.792.


“e-tuğra” Standard SSL Certificate Policies
Covers for server SSL certificate.
Object Identifier : 2.16.792.

* corresponds to policy with OID: ETSI 319 411-1 DVCP
* corresponds to policy with OID: CaBForum BR Guide


“e-tuğra” Premium SSL Certificate Policies
Covers for server SSL certificate.
Object Identifier : 2.16.792.

* corresponds to policy with OID: ETSI 319 411-1 OVCP
* corresponds to policy with OID: CaBForum BR Guide


“e-tuğra” EV SSL Certificate Policies
EV SSL certificate for the server covers.
Object Identifier : 2.16.792.

* corresponds to policy with OID: ETSI 319 411-1 EVCP
* corresponds to policy with OID: CaBForum EV Guide


“e-tuğra” Code Signing Certificate Policy
For code signing certificate covers the process.
Object Identifier : 2.16.792.

* corresponds to policy with OID: ETSI 319 411-1 OCVP
* corresponds to policy with OID: CaBForum CS Guide


“e-tuğra” EV Code Signing Certificate Policy
For code signing certificate covers the process.
Object Identifier : 2.16.792.

* corresponds to policy with OID: ETSI 319 411-1 EVCP and EVCG
* corresponds to policy with OID: CaBForum EVCS Guide